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Strength Training Anatomy

Strength Training Anatomy

Over two million people have turned to Strength Training Anatomy for an inside look at how the body performs during exercise. Now with new exercises, stretches, and exercise variations, and with more of Frédéric Delavier’s signature art, the fourth edition of this classic work sets the standard by which all other strength training resources will be judged.

No other resource combines the visual detail of top anatomy texts with expert strength training advice. Over 700 anatomical illustrations, including 90 new to this edition, depict 231 exercises and variations to reveal the primary muscles involved as well as all the relevant surrounding structures, including bones, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue.

aboutLiberty Portal

Liberty Portal is a gateway for free markets and free thinking. We aggregate open-sourced content to promote and popularize important lessons from economics, philosophy, history and more.
Ludwig von Mises
Liberalism in the Classical Tradition
Liberalism in the Classical Tradition
In 1927, classical liberalism, based on a belief in individualism, reason, capitalism, and free trade, was dying, when one of the 20th century's greatest social thinkers wrote this combative and convincing restatement. Nowhere are the key principles of Mises' philosophy better represented than in this timeless work.

Mises was a careful and logical theoretician who believed that ideas rule the world, and this especially comes to light in Liberalism.

"The ultimate outcome of the struggle" between liberalism and totalitarianism, say Mises, "will not be decided by arms, but by ideas. It is ideas that group men into fighting factions, that press the weapons into their hands, and that determine against whom and for whom the weapons shall be used. It is they alone, and not arms, that, in the last analysis, turn the scales."
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Mike Cernovich
Gorilla Minset
Gorilla Minset
Gorilla Mindset was the most successful non-fiction book launch of 2015, immediately hitting best-seller lists. Rather than feed you lies and feel-good nonsense, Gorilla Mindset teaches you how to take control of your thoughts and emotions and live life on your terms. Mike Cernovich, author of Gorilla Mindset, has been read by millions of people. Although he wrote Gorilla Mindset with men in mind, many women are catching on, as they also want to live a more powerful life. In Gorilla Mindset you'll learn how to control your thoughts and emotions and will begin to live life on your terms.
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Stefan Molyneux
Universally Preferable Behavior
Universally Preferable Behavior
Stefan Molyneux's Universally Preferable Behavior, "presents radical and rational arguments for a nonreligious, non-statist, entirely secular set ethical standards which validate the nonaggression principle – thou shalt not initiate force against thy fellow human – and the fundamental logic for respecting property rights.."  Read it for free at
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