
Gorilla Minset
Gorilla Mindset was the most successful non-fiction book launch of 2015, immediately hitting best-seller lists. Rather than feed you lies and feel-good nonsense, Gorilla Mindset teaches you how to take control of your thoughts and emotions and live life on your terms. Mike Cernovich, author of Gorilla Mindset, has been read by millions of people. Although he wrote Gorilla Mindset with men in mind, many women are catching on, as they also want to live a more powerful life. In Gorilla Mindset you'll learn how to control your thoughts and emotions and will begin to live life on your terms.
aboutLiberty Portal
Liberty Portal is a gateway for free markets and free thinking. We aggregate open-sourced content to promote and popularize important lessons from economics, philosophy, history and more.
Bob Swarup
Money Mania

Money Mania is a sweeping account of financial speculation and its consequences, from ancient Rome to the Meltdown of 2008. Acclaimed journalist and investor Bob Swarup tracks the history of speculative fevers caused by the appearance of new profitable investment opportunities; the new assets created and the increasing self-congratulatory euphoria that drives them to unsustainable highs, all fed by an illusion of insight and newly minted experts; the unexpected catalysts that eventually lead to panic; the inevitable crash as investors scramble to withdraw their funds from the original market and any other that might resemble it; and finally, the brevity of financial memory that allows us to repeat the cycle without ever critically evaluating the drivers of this endless cycle.
In short, it is the story of what makes us human.
Read moreIn short, it is the story of what makes us human.
Charles Murray
Human Accomplishment

The heart of Human Accomplishment is a series of enthralling descriptive chapters: on the giants in the arts and what sets them apart from the merely great; on the differences between great achievement in the arts and in the sciences; on the meta-inventions, 14 crucial leaps in human capacity to create great art and science; and on the patterns and trajectories of accomplishment across time and geography.
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Joel Greene
The Immunity Code

The immunity code represents a powerful paradigm shift to an immune centric approach aging and health, and how to slow it dramatically in easy, practical steps. A new era has arrived. It is an era where commonalities found in the physiology of the leanest, healthiest, and longest lived humans has been uncovered. The startling discovery is that many of these commonalities can be replicated by anyone, and quite easily. But the key is not found in fitness, or bodybuilding or weight loss, or anything we knew prior. The foundation is an immune centric approach to health and aging. The Immunity Code is simply a new paradigm and an entirely new way think about caring for the body.
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