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aboutLiberty Portal

Liberty Portal is a gateway for free markets and free thinking. We aggregate open-sourced content to promote and popularize important lessons from economics, philosophy, history and more.
Jeff Deist
Money versus Monetary Policy
Jan 21, 2023 / Bobby Caina Calvan
Obnoxiously loud car? A traffic camera might be listening
Obnoxiously loud car? A traffic camera might be listening
NEW YORK (AP) — After the relative quiet of the pandemic, New York City has come roaring back. Just listen: Jackhammers. Honking cars and trucks. Rumbling subway trains. Sirens. Shouting.

Over the years, there have been numerous efforts to quiet the cacophony. One of the latest: traffic cameras equipped with sound meters capable of identifying souped-up cars and motorbikes emitting an illegal amount of street noise.

At least 71 drivers have gotten tickets so far for violating noise rules during a yearlong pilot program of the system. The city’s Department of Environmental Protection now has plans to expand the use of the roadside sound meters.
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Aug 15, 2017 / Mike Samuels
Stupid Fat Loss Trends
You don’t need me to tell you that some of the advice out there for fat loss is just plain bad.
We have personal trainers who proclaim themselves ‘experts’ after having done a 4-week course, and people who read an article in a magazine and suddenly want to debate nutrition with someone who has a PhD.
We KNOW there’s a ton of terrible information out there … but what’s the worst?
Things like low-carb, low-fat, vegan and keto diets will always be around, whether we like and recommend them or not. But sometimes, a trend comes along that’s so utterly crazy, it makes you question peoples’ sanity.
Should you run into someone mad enough to be following any of the following diets, you might want to direct them here.
Not only will these do nothing to help your fat loss, they could actually hinder it.
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