Your gateway to a free society

Theater of the Absurd in J6 Courtrooms


aboutLiberty Portal

Liberty Portal is a gateway for free markets and free thinking. We aggregate open-sourced content to promote and popularize important lessons from economics, philosophy, history and more.
Dangerous History Podcast
Reckless Provocations w/Scott Horton
Dec 2, 2012 / Doug Brignole
DYS-Functional Exercise
Mar 27, 2014 / Doug Brignole
The Case Against Overhead Presses
I know it’s difficult to accept the notion that Overhead Presses – an exercise that has been around for decades, and has been considered one of the most fundamental exercises in weight training since its inception – might actually not be so good after all.  That concept might seem outrageous to you.  You’re probably thinking, “how can that be?… it’s in all the fitness books; we see it done in all the gyms; it’s been done by thousands of successful competitive bodybuilders… it’s ludicrous to think that it’s not a good exercise!” But allow me to explain some basic facts, and then you can decide for yourself.
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